Integrate Spike with Checkmk
How to get Phone, SMS and Slack alerts from CheckMk?
Service and integration
Make sure to add the Checkmk integration and copying the webhook.
Create integration and service on our dashboardUsing script with Checkmk
Download the official checkmk-spike package here.
If you are using Checkmk docker, scroll below.
Step 1
Create a script called
at local/share/check_mk/notifications
Step 2
Paste the below script in the file, using your prefered editor like nano or vim.
Step 3
Export the spike webhook in an environment variable as:
$ export SPIKE_URL="********************/push-events"
Step 4
Make the file executable.
$ sudo chmod +x
Step 5
On the dashboard, create a notification rule and choose to Notify via option to enable this integration.
Using script with Checkmk Docker
In case if you are using Checkmk with Docker containers, follow these steps.
Step 1
Create a script called
in your server at $HOME
$ sudo nano $HOME/
Step 2
Paste the below script in the file.
Step 3
Export the spike webhook in an environment variable as:
$ export SPIKE_URL="********************/push-events"
Step 4
Do this step once the checkmk docker container is up.
Get the container id using docker ps
Copy the file inside the docker container at the location /opt/omd/sites/cmk/local/share/check_mk/notifications#
using the following command.
replace the <CONTAINER_ID> with the container id you got from docker ps.
$ docker cp <CONTAINER_ID>:/opt/omd/sites/cmk/local/share/check_mk/notifications/
Step 5
Now exec into the docker container.
$ docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/bash
Make the executable.
$ cd /opt/omd/sites/cmk/local/share/check_mk/notifications
$ chmod +x
Step 6
Export the spike webhook in an environment variable as:
$ export SPIKE_URL="********************/push-events"
Last updated
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