Resolved incident alerts

Customize how and when you receive notifications for resolved incidents, keeping you informed without unnecessary alerts.

Resolved incident alerts

Spike notifies you when incidents are automatically resolved or resolved by a responder. This helps provide closure and peace of mind, ensuring you’re informed that an incident you were alerted to has been resolved. It completes the alert cycle effectively.

By default, only current responders and members who were alerted when the incident was triggered will receive a resolved incident alert.

You can customize how you receive resolved incident alerts, including different mediums during office hours.

The Spike mobile app is ideal for instant notifications when incidents are resolved.

Set up

  • Go to Settings

  • Tap on Resolved alerts

  • Configure your alerts

Download Spike mobile app


Can I get notifications for all incidents?

No, by design, Spike only alerts current responders and members who were previously notified of the incident. This prevents alert fatigue and ensures that those who were not involved are not disturbed unnecessarily.

Will I receive another alert on Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Discord?

Slack and Microsoft Teams: There will be no new alert, but the original alert message in your Slack or Teams channels will automatically refresh to indicate the resolved status.

Discord: No additional alert will be sent.

Why can't I receive a phone call for a resolved incident alert?

Resolved incident alerts are important, but not critical enough to wake you in the middle of the night with a phone call. This avoids confusion—when you receive a phone call from Spike, it will always be for a newly triggered incident, so there’s no need to guess whether it’s for a new or resolved alert.


Last updated