JIRA server (self-hosted)

Learn to integrate Spike.sh with your self-hosted JIRA server

How to setup JIRA server?

To setup, we need 3 things -

  1. Base URL - the url where your server is currently hosted such as jira.mydomain.com

  2. Client ID

  3. Client Secret

We will need to generate Client ID and Client Secret. Let's get started

  1. On your JIRA server, go to settings -> applications

  2. Click on Application Links

  3. and then click Create Link

  1. On the modal for Create Link, select External application and Incoming

  1. On the next page, in the details, make sure to

    1. add a name i.e. Spike.sh

    2. this callback url -> https://app.spike.sh/task-management/jira/self-hosted/auth/callback

    3. Select Write permission

    4. Hit save

  1. This will generate you Client Id and Client Secret. Copy these.

  2. Your Base URL is the subdomain or domain where JIRA is hosted. In our case, it's https://jira.spike.sh with no trailing forward slashes.

So far, we have prepped our JIRA server to accept requests from Spike.sh. In the next step, let's configure Spike.sh.

How to configure setup for final connection?

Visit the Task management section under Settings > Organisation and select JIRA server. Enter the Base URL, Client ID, and Client Secret and hit Connect.

This will take you to your JIRA setup for validation. It's all done once permissions are granted on the next step.

Last updated