Integrate Spike with LibreNMS

Service and Integration

Make sure to add a LibreNMS integration and copy the webhook URL.

Create integration and service on our dashboard

Using webhooks with LibreNMS

Step 1

  • From the Alerts menu, choose Alert Transports from the dropdown.

  • Create a new Alert Transport

Step 2

  • Give a Name to the Alert Transport

  • Select Api **** as Transport type

  • Default alert is toggled to ON

  • Choose the API Method as POST

  • Paste the Spike webhook URL

  • In Options, paste the following template given below.

device_id={{ $device_id }}
hostname= {{ $hostname }}
sysName={{ $sysName }}
sysDescr={{ $sysDescr }}
sysContact={{ $sysContact }}
os={{ $os }}
type={{ $type }}
ip={{ $ip }}
hardware={{ $hardware }}
version={{ $version }}
features={{ $features }}
serial={{ $serial }}
uptime_short={{ $uptime_short }}
uptime_long={{ $uptime_long }}
description={{ $description }}
notes={{ $notes }}
location={{ $location }}
uptime={{ $uptime }}
ping_avg={{ $ping_avg }}
title={{ $title }}
elapsed={{ $elapsed }}
builder={{ $builder }}
id={{ $id }}
uid={{ $uid }}
state={{ $state }}
severity={{ $severity }}
alert_notes={{ $alert_notes }}
ping_timestamp={{ $ping_timestamp }}
ping_loss={{ $ping_loss }}
ping_min={{ $ping_min }}
ping_max={{ $ping_max }}

rule={{ $rule }}
name={{ $name }} 
proc={{ $proc }} 
timestamp={{ $timestamp }} 
transport={{ $transport }} 
transport_name={{ $transport_name }}

Last updated