Notifications for on-call shifts

Get notifications on phone call, WhatsApp, Telegram, SMS, Email and Slack when your on-call shift starts and ends

We support alerts for on-call start and end across all schedules. It's a great way to stay updated. Available channels for notifications are

Personal notifications

  1. Phone calls

  2. SMS

  3. Whatsapp

  4. Telegram

  5. Email

Time-wide alerts

  1. Slack

  2. Microsoft Teams (coming soon)

When your on-call shift starts/ends

You can choose to get alerts over Phone calls, WhatsApp, Telegram, SMS, and Email when your shift starts or ends. Visit On-call notifications in settings and enable alerts separately for Shift start and Shift end. Once saved, you would get notifications for any on-call schedules you are part of.

You can also customise alerts per on-call schedule in the schedule's settings.

When any member of your team starts/ends on-call shift

You can set up Slack notifications when anyone of your team starts and ends a shift across all on-call schedules. Visit Slack settings under organisation > alerts and set up channels you would like to receive notifications on. Once saved, all members in selected Slack channels will receive updates on shift start and end.

Last updated