Integrate Spike with GitHub Workflows
Integrate Spike with GitHub workflows to receive real-time alerts via Phone calls, SMS, Slack, MS Teams, and more for workflows.
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Integrate Spike with GitHub workflows to receive real-time alerts via Phone calls, SMS, Slack, MS Teams, and more for workflows.
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GitHub Workflows allows you to create custom workflows that automate your software development processes. Whether it's building, testing, or deploying your code, GitHub Workflows streamlines your CI/CD pipeline and ensures your projects stay on track.
By integrating GitHub Workflows with Spike, you can receive real-time alerts for various workflow-related incidents, including:
Workflow Failures: Alerts when a workflow run fails, helping you quickly identify and address issues in your CI/CD pipeline.
Job Failures: Notifications for individual job failures within a workflow, allowing for targeted troubleshooting.
Run Time Exceeds: Alerts when a workflow or job takes longer than expected, indicating potential performance bottlenecks.
This integration ensures that you’re promptly informed of any issues in your workflows, enabling fast response and resolution.
Auto-resolution is supported for this integration. Spike will also automatically group repeated incidents and suppress alerts while incident is open.
Step 1: Create a GitHub Workflows integration and copy the unique webhook URL.
Step 2:
1. Access Webhook Settings:
Go to the Settings section of your repository and open the Webhooks settings. Add a New Webhook:
Click on Add webhook to create a new webhook.
Paste the copied webhook in the URL field.
Set the content type to application/json.
Choose the individual events you want to monitor, such as workflow runs or job completions.