Manage your subscribers

You can choose to import, delete subscribers for your status page

Who is a subscriber?

Your users or visitors can choose to subscribe to your status page. Once subscribed, you can keep them in the loop upon status change of your services.

For ex: It's imperative to keep your subscribers informed during a critical incident.

How does a user subscribe?

Users and visitors to your status page can subscribe by entering their email. This option will be visible on public and private status pages.

Importing subscribers

Visit the subscribers section from the sidebar and you will find a list of all your active subscribers. You can also choose to delete a subscriber and import more by uploading a comma-separated values (CSV) file with Email in the header field. No other fields from your csv will be read and stored on our end.

Keep your subscribers informed

While creating and updating existing incidents, enable the option to notify subscribers and they will receive email updates.

Last updated